Lady’s Wood Guide to the Glorious Twelfth
- 9th November 2020
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When is the Glorious Twelfth and why is it so important?
The ‘Glorious Twelfth’ is marked on the 12th August each year. It is a significant date in the diary of game shooting enthusiasts and the country sport community as it marks the start of grouse shooting season, and the wider shooting season at large.
Can I shoot grouse anywhere in the UK?
The Red Grouse is a bird unique to the heather moors of Scotland and the North of England, making it a huge attraction to game shooters all around the world.
What’s so special about grouse shooting?
Known for their distinctive and unpredictable flight pattern, the Red Grouse can reach speeds of up to 80mph, offering a worthy challenge for even the most experienced shooter.
A day of grouse shooting looks very different to most game days, with shooters positioned in ‘grouse butts’. With other types of quarry, the gun is pointed in the air, in grouse shooting many of the shots being taken will have the gun flat.
How can I prepare for the grouse season?
If you’re lucky enough to have some grouse shooting lined up this season, it’s always wise to book yourself in for a lesson or two at Lady’s Wood Shooting School before the big day. The discipline of grouse shooting is unlike any other quarry. Luckily, our comprehensive game shooting facilities includes our realistic onsite grouse butt and range of targets that can accurately simulate the grouse you will see out on the moors.
To book your grouse shooting lesson at Lady’s Wood, give us a call on 01454 294546 or email shoot@ladyswood.co.uk.